FL Dept of Education & SAC
Help: If you have problems that cannot
be sorted out at the school or district level and need assistance or information,
Bureau of School Improvement
Continuous Improvement Management System (CIMS) was developed by the Bureau of School Improvement (BSI) to provide districts and schools with an online platform for collaborative planning and problem solving. Here are SAC documents from their webpage https://www.floridacims.org/downloads (click on "toolkit" in the black menu bar, then submenu category "SAC"):
NEW! (DOE) 2022-23 SAC Technical Assistance Guide, FINAL
NEW! (DOE) 2022-23 SIP-SAC Assurances, FINAL
1. SAC FAQ, 2021.07.07 (PDF) A comprehensive list of frequently asked questions regarding the duties, responsibilities, and membership requirements of school advisory councils.
2. DOE/CIMS SAC Learning Module (PDF), 2021.07.22
3. Word SAC minutes template (authored by T. McCormick, revised by Ms Shriver, BSI 2017)
4. DOE/CIMS SAC Bylaws template
5. School Improvement Plans -https://www.floridacims.org/
6. Florida Standards Assessments website: www.FSAssessment.org
7. Financial &Program Cost Accounting and Reporting for Florida Schools
10. DOE 2002 memo to all district superintendents regarding SAC - (requiring district to ensure that all SACs must have minutes, bylaws, quorum, etc...a result of changes in state law)
11. DOE counsel memo re: SAC bonuses