SAC Training
SAC Basics
Training (PowerPoint)
SAC Basics
Training (PDF) Handout
DOE has provided SAC training in the past. However, as a result of recent changes in budget cutbacks and reorganization of personnel, DOE is no longer offering the 3-day course of "SAC Training the Trainer". The idea behind "Training the Trainer" is that districts will send personnel to be trained by the State and then go back and train SACs in their district.
As a 'graduate' of the DOE, "Training the Trainer" I am certified to train other SACs. As a result, I was asked to provide training for several past Pinellas PTA and Pinellas School District Workshops which has usually about 40-65 attendees for SAC training. To make the training easier to understand and as an outline to cover many areas that SACs need to be aware of, I developed SAC Basics in a PowerPoint format to help teach the basics. Each year, I add, revise and review the PowerPoint and update the PowerPoint & handout offered on this website.
In addition, the SAC Basics Handout is offered as a PDF file for easy download and printing.
For those interested in SAC training, please contact me. I may be able to come to individual schools or districts for training. Districts/Schools wishing to use the PowerPoint Presentation to their district or individual school SACs, please email your request/permission for use of the presentation.